Our Mission

At Digitally Well Inc., we are passionate about transforming the modern workplace through digital wellness. In an era where technology is both a blessing and a challenge, we strive to help organizations navigate this landscape with ease, ensuring their teams are not only productive, but also healthy and engaged.

What We Do

Digitally Well Inc. offers specialized corporate training programs designed to improve digital wellness and productivity in the workplace. We understand the complexities of today’s digital environments and provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each organization. Our sessions range from mastering productivity in the digital age, enhancing virtual emotional intelligence™, to fostering a culture of digital wellness at work.

Our Approach

Our approach is holistic, evidence-based, and rooted in a deep understanding of how technology impacts our well-being. Through our training, participants gain practical skills and insights to manage digital overwhelm, set healthy boundaries, and use technology mindfully. We believe in empowering employees with the tools they need to thrive, not just survive, in their digital workspaces.

Why We Do It

We are driven by the belief that a healthier relationship with technology leads to happier, more productive employees and a more positive workplace culture. Studies reveal that digital distractions, tech-related stress, and the pressure to be ‘always-on’ contribute to burnout and disengagement. By addressing these challenges, we aim to create work environments where individuals feel supported, balanced, and capable of achieving their best work.

Our Commitment

At Digitally Well Inc., we are committed to making workplaces better. Our training sessions are designed to foster a sense of accomplishment and well-being at the end of each day. We offer ongoing support through optional Post-Training Reflective Sessions, ensuring that behavior change is sustained and meaningful. We also provide bespoke training experiences to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Our vision is to see workplaces where technology enhances rather than hinders, where employees feel empowered rather than overwhelmed, and where well-being and productivity go hand-in-hand.

Join us in the digital wellness revolution and let’s create a better work experience together!

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Meet the Founder,
Lisa Pender

Hello! My name is Lisa, and I am the founder of Digitally Well Inc.

I am an extremely passionate digital wellness educator, trainer, and speaker. There is nothing I enjoy more than meeting new teams, learning about their workplace “painpoints”, and then addressing their digital wellbeing challenges with tangible, evidence-based solutions.

For the past 15 years, I have been a college educator, teaching courses in sociology, office administration, health, and business. I am presently at Mohawk College in the Department of Liberal Studies, and happy to have launched the first-ever “Digital Wellness” Ontario college credit course in Fall 2023.

I achieved my Digital Wellness Educator certificate from the Digital Wellness Institute (’20) and I am also a graduate of the Mindfulness in Modern Society program at McMaster University (’22). I hold a Master of Arts degree from the University of Waterloo and an hons. B.A. from McMaster University (go Marauders!).

Learn about Digitally Well from founder, Lisa Pender

In this brief introductory video, Lisa talks about how her passion for digital wellness began, and why you might want to starting thinking more about it yourself!

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Lisa is a contributing Lifespeak expert on digital wellness.

LifeSpeak is a digital wellbeing platform focused on mental health, physical, and family wellbeing. Lisa has authored several blogs on digital wellness and has been a guest on the LifeSpeak podcast. She hosted an “Ask the Expert” session, has been featured in several publications, and completed a video library on the topic of digital wellness.