Signature Corporate Training Sessions:

Digital Wellness @ Work™

The pressure to be “always on” and available, coupled with digital distractions and tech-related stressors, are contributing to burnout, inefficient multi-tasking behaviours, lost productivity, and disengagement.

In this session, participants will explore the impact of technology on their physical health, mental well-being, productivity, and relationships. Through mindfulness practices and digital self-care strategies, participants will become equipped with actionable strategies to make working with technology more efficient, manageable, and sustainable.

Virtual Emotional Intelligence™

Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage one’s emotions, as well as others’, and has long been proven to be a driving factor in personal and professional success. However, today’s workplace is digital. And individuals with strong virtual emotional intelligence understand how human emotion changes across channels and can use this information to guide their actions, decision-making, and behaviour.

Building on Daniel Goleman’s five pillars of emotional intelligence, learn how human emotion changes across digital channels and harness this information to navigate the nuances, complexities, and pitfalls of modern digital communications.

remote leadership
Remote Leadership:
Leading High Performance Teams in the Digital Age

Seamless communication. Energized and engaged teams. Trust and cohesion that transcends physical boundaries.

As a leader, you know these are the keys to success in a virtual environment, yet achieving this comes with its fair share of challenges. This session is designed to help bridge the gap between (traditional) face-to-face and online leadership skills, and provide an innovative approach to managing and motivating dispersed teams.

In this session, leaders will gain insights into virtual emotional intelligence, hosting virtual meetings, best practices to foster team collaboration and engagement, and ways to build trust and meaningful connections with remote teams.

Elevating Hybrid & Remote Work Performance

Hybrid and remote work is here to stay, which means mastering the art of focus, productivity, seamless communication, and self-motivation when working off-site is essential to employee success.

Discover proven productivity hacks and time-saving strategies to accomplish more in less time. Uncover effective methods for minimizing digital distractions and maximizing focus, as well as ways to optimize your physical and digital workspace.

Participants will also explore the four key strategies to effectively collaborate and communicate with virtual teams, and discover ways to pursue professional goals and remain motivated when working from home.

Mastering Productivity in the Digital Workplace

Invest in your team’s success and equip them with the skills required to excel in today’s digital workplace!

Participants will learn science-based productivity, focus, and time management techniques, with an emphasis on practical strategies and tips to manage distraction, tame inboxes, banish multitasking, optimize calendars, and buffer digital overwhelm.

The goal? To foster a collective sense of accomplishment and well-being at the end of the day.

Looking for a webinar or workshop? Click here.

Training that (positively) impacts the bottom line.

Investing in digital wellness can yield several positive returns on investment (ROIs) for organizations. While the tangible ROI metrics vary depending on the organization and its specific goals, the overall impact of digital wellness initiatives can be significant. It’s about creating a work environment that values the holistic well-being of employees, contributing to a more sustainable and successful organization.
  • A focus on employee well-being can improve job satisfaction and engagement. Satisfied employees are more likely to be committed to their work, leading to lower turnover rates.

  • A reduction in stress-related health issues can result in lower healthcare costs for both employees and the organization. Additionally, lower turnover rates reduce recruitment and training expenses.

  • Improved focus and reduced digital distractions can contribute to higher quality work in less time. Employees who are well-rested and less stressed are more likely to be productive.

Join the list of organizations who are prioritizing digital wellness.