Is your phone hacking your creative genius?

If you are feeling uninspired or stagnant in the creativity department, your phone may be the culprit. Have you ever wondered why some of your best ideas come when you’re driving, when you’re trying to go to fall asleep, or when you’re in the shower? It’s because these activities are distraction-free from technology. And when our brain is distracted it cannot go into imagination mode–which we need in order to be creative and inspired. And as a society, we hate to be bored! (yup, me too 🙋‍♀️) so we use our phones to help us avoid it at all cost! Whether we are waiting in the grocery store line…or just sitting having a coffee…our phone is a welcome distraction from boredom. But, here’s the thing. Boredom is necessary in order to free the mind and spark creativity. And unfortunately, we don’t allow ourselves to get into a state of boredom long enough to get the creative juices flowing. So the next time you reach for your phone, let your mind wander instead and you might just be amazed at what you come up with! 🤔💭